San Francisco, California EV Charging Stations Info

General EV Charging Information

The city of San Francisco in California, United States, has 1439 public charging station ports (Level 2 and Level 3) within 15km. 87% of the ports are level 2 charging ports and 36% of the ports offer free charges for your electric car.

San Francisco, California, home of Silicon Valley, plays a leading role in the deployment strategy of the charging infrastructure in North America. To give you an idea of its importance, in 2015, California alone counted for half of the 330,000 electric vehicles registered in the USA. Since then, the State wants to add a charging infrastructure suited for 1.5 million zero-emission vehicles by 2025.

San Francisco is home for many famous companies, such as Facebook, Twitter, Airbnb and Fitbit. Employees have access to level 2 charging stations, level 3 charging stations (DCFC), as well as free charging stations, all within 10 miles. These EV charging stations are offered by several charging networks such as ChargePoint, Blink, eVgo, Volta and of course Tesla (whose headquarters are located nearby in Palo Alto).

The city of San Francisco holds many national emblems, such as the famous Golden State Bridge of 2,788 meters long as well as the Alcatraz prison. Having hosted the infamous criminal Al Capone in 1934, this ancient prison has been transformed into a popular State museum.

The festive side of this buzzing city hold many activities free to the public such as the Stern Grove Festival. Since1938, this festival takes place in the heart of San Francisco. The city is also host of the San Francisco International Ocean Film Festival. This is a festival that inspires appreciation of the ocean by unveiling its beauty and mysteries with independent films. Today, you can attend these events as well as charge your electronic vehicle at a Level 2 charging station without any problems, in a nearby location.

Plan your EV journey with ease in San Francisco with the ChargeHub application available on iOS and Android.

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Charging Stats For San Francisco


of Level 2 Stations


total Level 2 Stations


of Level 3 Stations


total Level 3 Stations

Percentage of Free Stations: 36%

Total Number of Free Stations: 515

Total Number of Charging Stations: 1439

Main Networks: ChargePoint, Tesla, Blink

Popular Charging Stations in San Francisco