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Borne - 1 Borne(s) Totale
1 Borne(s) Niveau 2, SemaConnect
30 A, 7.2 kW
Prix: 2.00$ / Heure
Il y a 1 Année
Charged successfully. Plug did not 'click' in as that piece seems to be missing. Started session smoothly through the ChargeHub app but lost connection in a bit and couldn't track charging via phone. Continued to charge however and could track on car. Just verifying station works in case I need it later.
Il y a 1 Année
User donlyons has changed the information of this public charging location. The ChargeHub Team appreciates the contribution—thank you donlyons!
Il y a 1 Année
A user has changed the information of this public charging location. The ChargeHub Team appreciates the contribution—thank you!
Sommaire de l'emplacement
Cette borne de recharge est située dans la ville de Lebanon. Elle est gérée par le réseau SemaConnect et a 1 borne J1772.