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Quality Inn Pinetop Bornes de Recharge

Bornes de Recharge Information Générale

Non-Réseauté, Tesla
458 East White Mountain Boulevard, Pinetop, AZ, 85935
24 Heures
Pas d'activation réseau requise
+1 877-798-3752

Actions Borne de Recharge




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bornes de recharge
Connecteur J1772
1 Borne
Niveau 2 Borne de Recharge - $15.00/session for patrons. $20.00/session if not hotel guest.
Borne de Recharge
borne electrique
2 Bornes
Niveau 2 Borne de Recharge - $15.00/session for patrons. $20.00/session if not hotel guest.
Borne de Recharge

Photos de Borne de Recharge


ChargeHub Support
3 ans
Responding to Anonymous's comment "This is inaccurate, the hotel charges a $20 flat fee. When I brought it to their attention that it was advertised as free, they didnt care and said they didnt post it that way. They refused to waive the fee. That being said, they do have reliable chargers and the hotel was otherwise well run.": We are disappointed about the additional fees you had to pay. We modified the tariff shown on our app to better represent to situation there. Because of you, the EV community now has access to more up-to-date and precise info thanks to you
3 ans
This is inaccurate, the hotel charges a $20 flat fee. When I brought it to their attention that it was advertised as free, they didn’t care and said they didn’t post it that way. They refused to waive the fee. That being said, they do have reliable chargers and the hotel was otherwise well run.