Three (3) level 2 EVSE available for use. Please note that EV Box units take 2-3 minutes to ramp up to full output.
Public: $2/hr (max of 4 hrs). $10/hr after 4 hrs
Hotel guests: $5 per charge or day.
All users, plus parking fees unless visiting the restaurant FATHOM (free two hr parking, bring receipt).
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at 1-844-798-2438 or!
Niveau 2 Borne de Recharge - $2.00/hr: 0-255 mins; $10.00/hr: after 255 mins
Borne de Recharge Dernière utilisation il y a moins de 24 heures
Connecteur J1772
1 Borne
Niveau 2 Borne de Recharge - Coût: Gratuit
Borne de Recharge
Connecteur J1772
1 Borne
Niveau 2 Borne de Recharge -
Borne de Recharge
Photos de Borne de Recharge
3 mois
Responding to larhum's comment "Access U/G parking from Quebec St. 5 SWTCH chargers to the far right 3 for hotel guests, 2 for public use. Unclear signage as to cost of parking and /or vending fee. There was a green Kia NOT charging just blocking access to one of the public chargers. ??": Thank you for your feedback. We are sorry about your experience. The charger available for public use are: CA119, CA121, L5242.
For immediate response and further assistance, please contact us at or through our support line at 1(844)-798-2438 CA119, CA121, L5242
3 mois
Access U/G parking from Quebec St. 5 SWTCH chargers to the far right 3 for hotel guests, 2 for public use. Unclear signage as to cost of parking and /or vending fee. There was a green Kia NOT charging just blocking access to one of the public chargers. ??
6 ans
Charged successfully.
7 ans
it says it's public but there was a sign that says for go to guests only.