The city of Vancouver in British Columbia, Canada, has 1477 public charging station ports (Level 2 and Level 3) within 15km. 93% of the ports are level 2 charging ports and 43% of the ports offer free charges for your electric car.
The City of Vancouver, the most populous city in British Columbia, has public charging stations within 15km (level 2 and level 3). of the EV charging stations throughout the city are level 2 charging stations and of the stations offer free charging for your electric car.
In 2014, the City won the FCM Sustainable Communities Award (Transportation) for its electric vehicle program. Whether you go to the Granville Island Public Market, the Vancouver Aquarium or to the VanDusen Botanical Garden you will find many Level 2 charging stations along your route.
Several charging networks are in operation in the City of Vancouver, such as ChargePoint, SemaCharge and Sun Country Highway. You can find out more about these charging networks (policies, pricing and registration information) by visiting our Networks section.
In this city, electric cars displaying a decal issued by the Province of British Columbia are allowed in reserved HOV lanes (High Occupancy Vehicle) without having to carry two or more people. Electric car drivers must apply to the BC Electric Vehicles in HOV lanes program to receive their decal.
With the ChargeHub charging stations map you have all the information you need about Vancouver’s public charging infrastructure. The charging stations description gives you the address, the type of connector, the network, the price and a lot more.
You can always plan your EV trip and find your next charging station on the go with the ChargeHub app (available for Android and iOS).
of Level 2 Stations
total Level 2 Stations
of Level 3 Stations
total Level 3 Stations
Percentage of Free Stations: 43%
Total Number of Free Stations: 638
Total Number of Charging Stations: 1477
Main Networks: ChargePoint, Flo, Hypercharge