The city of Burnaby in British Columbia, Canada, has 469 public charging station ports (Level 2 and Level 3) within 15km. 92% of the ports are level 2 charging ports and 34% of the ports offer free charges for your electric car.
Burnaby, in British-Columbia, is one of the many Western Canadian cities participating in the electrification of transportation. Within a radius of 10 miles, we see level 2 charging stations (240 Volts) and level 3 charging stations (fast charging station). Also, are free charging stations, such as the ones found at Burnaby Hospital and HSBC Bank.
ChargePoint, Tesla, Sun Country Highway many more charging networks have put the charging stations in Burnaby in service.
Find here ChargeHub’s charging station map, which indicates where all of the charging stations are located in Burnaby as well as in North America – for free. Likewise, this is available for iOS and Android.
Since September 2016, electric vehicle drivers can do a fast charge at the campus of British Columbia’s Institute of Technology (BCIT). What’s interesting about this is that the charging stations are solar-powered! Known as the OASIS Station, these charging stations are part of the BCIT’s experimental micro-charging infrastructure.
Researchers have then transformed an ordinary parking lot into a bank of solar panels, which provides two rows of parking places with many level 3 charging stations. This project started in 2007, and now these charging stations can fully charge your electric vehicle in only 15 minutes.
In the same line of ideas, to promote the expansion of the charging infrastructure and increase the sales of electric vehicles, the province of British Columbia offers $50,000 to help certified electricians get the necessary training for the installation and maintenance of charging stations.
The City of Burnaby – where people live a very active lifestyle – is home to many parks, lakes, forests, pathways and riverside. This is an outdoor paradise, and let’s just says it goes hand in hand with the electrification of transportation.
of Level 2 Stations
total Level 2 Stations
of Level 3 Stations
total Level 3 Stations
Percentage of Free Stations: 34%
Total Number of Free Stations: 158
Total Number of Charging Stations: 469
Main Networks: ChargePoint, Flo, SWTCH