Level 2 Charging Station - $0.49/session; Time not charging: $2.00/hr, $2.00/hr, Billed every 15 minute(s): 0-240 mins; Time not charging: $8.00/hr, $8.00/hr, Billed every 15 minute(s): after 240 mins
EV Charger Last used less than 24 hours ago
EV Charging Station Photos
EV Drivers Comments
7 years ago
Very Convenient...Only Problem a Prius parked in a charging spot and was done charging for almost an hour...ridiculous!
8 years ago
There is actually six stations here. Two in the first structure and 4 in the rear structure.
Level 2 Charging Station - $0.49/session; Time not charging: $2.00/hr, $2.00/hr, Billed every 15 minute(s): 0-240 mins; Time not charging: $8.00/hr, $8.00/hr, Billed every 15 minute(s): after 240 mins