These pumps have $30-40 hook-up fee. I used a credit card and got a $30 flat fee. The next time I tried Charge Hub and paid $40+. I’m going elsewhere.
12 months ago
Started charge and after a few minutes it stopped charging. Had to go back and start again. Had to pay $5 connection charge twice. Second time charge was fast.
3 years ago
Unsuccessful charge. Polestar showed Charging Error. The QR code and the Station ID are not even found on its own ZEF Network.
3 years ago
ChaDemo not working as of 9/23/22
3 years ago
CCS broken on July 25, 2022
3 years ago
CCS still broken and inoperable
3 years ago
CCS inoperable& broken
3 years ago
Well this clearly hasn't been fixed as it's still not working. Come on people get on it. And there is only one level three not two!
3 years ago
Well this clearly hasn't been fixed as it's still not working. Come on people get on it. And there is only one level three not two!