Charging station is located on the backside of gas station.
Borne - 2 Borne(s) Totale
2 Borne(s) Niveau 2, ChargePoint
30 A, 7.2 kW
Prix: Inconnue
30 A, 7.2 kW
Prix: Inconnue
Il y a 1 Année
User dan_in_dallas has changed the information of this public charging location. The ChargeHub Team appreciates the contribution—thank you dan_in_dallas!
Il y a 2 Années
The station is defective. We were able to authorize it but not get the plug released from the holder. Seemed like the latch was broken. Could not charge, regardless.
Sommaire de l'emplacement
Cette borne de recharge est située dans la ville de Sherman. Elle est gérée par le réseau ChargePoint et a 2 bornes J1772.