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Borne - 1 Borne(s) Totale
1 Borne(s) Niveau 3, GreenLots
125 A, 50 kW
Prix: 15.00$ / Heure Max price: $40.00
125 A, 50 kW
Prix: 15.00$ / Heure Max price: $40.00
Il y a 3 Mois
The comment from five years ago seems to be still true. This is really not a public station
Il y a 6 Années
A user said: Dealer parks their non EV vehicles in the charging stalls. The greenlot charger is at the rear of the business in a small driveway near the service drop off. You can't leave your car there because they have trucks coming through etc
Sommaire de l'emplacement
Cette borne de recharge est située dans la ville de Concord. Elle est gérée par le réseau GreenLots et a 1 borne CHAdeMO-J1772 Combo.