Charged at here the other day. They have two J1772 chargers for 4 parking spaces. I plugged up to one and was charging at a rate of 6 kilowatts per hour. Another vehicle pulled up next to me and started charging on the other charger. The speed of charging for my car did not slow down which was nice. My guess is that both chargers are throttle to charge no faster than 6 K/H. It is also free to charge here.
ChargeHub Support
4 years ago
User percell1973 has changed the information of this public charging location. The ChargeHub Team appreciates the contribution—thank you percell1973!
Rico Suave
4 years ago
Located in lower parking lot, nearest to 150. Good charging unit.
5 years ago
Charged successfully.
9 years ago
User Alfalfa has changed the information of this public charging location. The ChargeHub Team appreciates the contribution—thank you Alfalfa!